Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Building Partnerships and Sharing Expertise

A recent visit from WSO president-elect Prof. Jeyaraj Durai Pandian marked a significant milestone for stroke care in Vietnam. Partnerships established as a result are expected to lead to a brighter future for stroke patients across Vietnam.
Angels team 23 Μαΐου 2024
Prof. Jeyaraj Durai Pandian, WSO president-elect (2024-2026), working with the Department of Medical Service Administration and Ministry of Health.

AT the end of February 2024, the Angels Initiative team in Vietnam welcomed stroke experts including World Stroke Organization (WSO) president-elect Prof. Jeyaraj Durai Pandian for a program of meetings that launched a new trajectory for stroke care improvement in Vietnam.

Vietnam ranks among the countries with the highest stroke incidence in the world. Over 200,000 new cases are diagnosed annually. While mortality rates are a concern, the true impact is even more profound as stroke survivors often face long-term disabilities, placing a significant strain on the patients and their families and society.

The program, which took place from 29 February to 3 March, laid the groundwork for collaboration between the Ministry of Health Vietnam and the WSO – a partnership that will strengthen Vietnam’s stroke care system by implementing stricter quality control measures for stroke centers and aligning the system with the criteria outlined in the WSO Stroke Center Certification Program. 

Prof. Pandian and the Angels Initiative at Bach Mai Hospital.

First on the agenda was a vital meeting between Prof. Pandian, the Department of Medical Service Administration, the Ministry of Health, leading stroke treatment experts and representatives from the Angels Initiative of Vietnam and ROPU (Regional Operating Unit) ASKAN. This comprehensive approach underscored the commitment to fostering a collaborative environment that prioritizes improved patient outcomes in Vietnam. Following the meeting, a board of experts is being assembled that will collaborate with the WSO to update stroke center criteria in Vietnam and further enhance the stroke care system.

Prof. Pandian, accompanied by representatives from WSO and the Angels Initiative, then embarked on a series of productive engagements with three leading stroke hospitals – Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi and 108 Military Central Hospital in Hanoi, and Phu Tho Province General Hospital – during which Prof. Pandian and his team held fruitful discussions with hospital officials and medical professionals.  

Prof. Pandian acknowledged the advanced facilities and expertise highlighted by these hospitals, all three of which have won multiple WSO Angels Awards, with Bach Mai Hospital the holder of 14 consecutive diamond awards.

Prof. Pandian highlighted the potential for designating these hospitals as a pilot model for WSO Stroke Center Certification across the region. 

Prof. Pandian and the Angels Initiative at 108 Military Central Hospital.

Prof. Pandian also expressed his commitment to focusing on stroke center improvement in Asian countries, particularly Vietnam and in Southeast Asia, during his term as WSO president, which commences in October 2024.

The WSO has unveiled a series of initiatives focused on nurturing future stroke specialists and propelling advancements in stroke care: 

  • Investing in the future: A two-year “Future Stroke Leader Program” will see the WSO identify and support promising young neurologists worldwide. 
  • Knowledge exchange: A doctor and nurse exchange program will foster the sharing of best practices and expertise within the WSO’s network of hospitals. 
  • Collaborative research: The WSO has pledged its backing for research endeavors aimed at propelling stroke centers to a higher level. The organization expressed keen interest in visiting these facilities for firsthand observation. 
  • Training programs: The ASKAN Fellowship, a year-long program, will equip young regional doctors or nurses with specialized training, bolstering their skills in stroke care. 
Prof. Pandian and the Angels Initiative at Phu Tho Province General Hospital.

The visit yielded several positive outcomes for the doctors and the hospitals in Vietnam to drive stroke care advancement through educational programs for amplification and endorsement by WSO. The partnerships established as a result of the visit hold immense potential for knowledge sharing, the implementation of advanced treatment protocols, and a brighter future for stroke patients across Vietnam. 


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