Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

ΕΡΕΥΝΑ ΑΣΘΕΝΗ | Πόσοι από τους ασθενείς σας φτάνουν εγκαίρως;

Η Έρευνα Ασθενών της Πρωτοβουλίας Angels σας δίνει τη δυνατότητα να έχετε πληροφορίες πολύτιμες πληροφορίες για την εμπειρία των ασθενών με αγγειακό εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο από την περίθαλψη.
Angels team 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

How much do you know about your stroke patient's journey from onset to when they were wheeled through the emergency entrance of your hospital? The Angels Initiative Patient Survey reveals what they did in the hours and minutes before admission, and alert you to the level of stroke awareness in your region. 

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In Austria the percentage of stroke patients arriving at hospital within 3 hours of symptom onset was reported to be as high as 70% in 2017. At the other end of the spectrum, data from Mexico reported rates as low as 17%. In many cases however, hospitals simply don’t have the data for how many patients arrive on time, or what accounts for delays before hospital admission. Often it is assumed that people simply don’t recognise the symptoms of stroke and as a result don’t act appropriately. An Italian study of public stroke awareness showed that only 11% of stroke patients admitted to hospital called an ambulance first, as they failed to recognise symptoms of stroke. 67% contacted a family member first and unfortunately the advice given by them was incorrect in 70% of cases. If we want to solve the problem, we must understand it better.

The Angels Initiative Patient Survey provides you with valuable information about your stroke patients’ journey to care via a questionnaire completed in under three minutes. The questionnaire can be completed by family members or by the patients themselves with the assistance of a nurse. They can access the survey via a QR code displayed on posters and pamphlets in the waiting room. Upon completion of the survey we offer patients a free Stroke Care at Home manual and access to details of local patient support organisations to help them deal with the tough times that may lie ahead.

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The results for your hospital will be available on your dashboard on the Angels Initiative website and provide you with important information about how your patients behave before admission.

A call to action

If the data collected from your patients display low public awareness of stroke, you can contact the FAST Heroes campaign www.fastheroes.com or your local Angels consultant about implementing this award-winning stroke awareness campaign in your region. The data also allows you to track results so you can measure the impact of this campaign over time.

Contact your Angels consultant about supplying you with the Angels Initiative Patient Survey materials or find the questionnaire here


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